Here is a list of January hashtags for Social Media to help you come up with your content.
Simply Pick the hashtags that fit your brand, mix in some creativity, and prepare some posts for your social content.
January 1st
- New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay
- Hot Toddy Day #HotToddyDay
- Bloody Mary Day #BloodyMaryDay
- Z Day #ZDay
- Polar Bear Swim Day #PolarBearSwimDay
- Commitment Day #CommitmentDay
- Euro Day #EuroDay
- Copyright Law Day #CopyrightLawDay
January 2nd
- World Introvert Day #IntrovertDay
- Buffet Day #BuffetDay
- Motivation and Inspiration Day #MotivationAndInspirationDay
- Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay
- Personal Trainer Awareness Day #PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay
- 55 MPH Speed Limit Day #55MPHSpeedLimitDay
- Creampuff Day #CreampuffDay
January 3rd
- Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day #ChocolateCoveredCherryDay
- Festival of Sleep Day #FestivalOfSleepDay
- Drinking Straw Day #DrinkingStrawDay
January 4th
- Hypnotism Day #HypnotismDay
- Pop Music Chart Day #PopMusicChartDay
- Trivia Day #TriviaDay
- World Braille Day #BrailleDay
- National Spaghetti Day – #nationalspaghettiday
January 5th
- Whipped Cream Day #WhippedCreamDay
- Bird Day #BirdDay
- National Keto Day – #nationalketoday
January 6th
- Cuddle Up Day #CuddleUpDay
- Three Kings Day #ThreeKingsDay
- Shortbread Day #ShortbreadDay
- Apple Tree Day #AppleTreeDay
- Bean Day #BeanDay
- Fruitcake Toss Day #FruitcakeTossDay
January 7th
- Tempura Day #TempuraDay
- Old Rock Day #OldRockDay
- I’m Not Going to Take It Anymore Day #ImNotGoingToTakeItAnymoreDay
- Bobblehead Day #BobbleheadDay
- Weigh-In Day #WeighInDay
January 8th
- Bubble Bath Day #BubbleBathDay
- Poetry at Work Day #PoetryAtWorkDay
- Earth’s Rotation Day #EarthsRotationDay
- Argyle Day #ArgyleDay
- Show & Tell at Work Day #ShowAndTellAtWorkDay
- Joy Germ Day #JoyGermDay
January 9th
- Apricot Day #ApricotDay
- Law Enforcement Appreciation Day #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay
- Static Electricity Day #StaticElectricityDay
- Play God Day #PlayGodDay
- Balloon Ascension Day #BalloonAscensionDay
January 10th
- Cut Your Energy Costs Day #CutYourEnergyCostsDay
- Houseplant Appreciation Day #HouseplantAppreciationDay
- Bittersweet Chocolate Day #BittersweetChocolateDay
- Peculiar People Day #PeculiarPeopleDay
January 11th
- Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day #StepInAPuddleAndSplashYourFriendsDay
- Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day #LearnYourNameInMorseCodeDay
- Milk Day #MilkDay
- World Sketchnote Day #SketchnoteDay
- National Human Trafficking Awareness Day – #humantraffickingawarenessday
January 12th
- Marzipan Day #MarzipanDay
- Kiss a Ginger Day #KissAGingerDay
- Pharmacist Day #PharmacistDay
January 13th
- Rubber Duckie Day #RubberDuckieDay
- Sticker Day #StickerDay
- Skeptics Day #SkepticsDay
- Public Radio Broadcasting Day #PublicRadioBroadcastingDay
- Make Your Dream Come True Day #MakeYourDreamComeTrueDay
January 14th
- Dress Up Your Pet Day #DressUpYourPetDay
- Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay
- Organize Your Home Day #OrganizeYourHomeDay
- Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day #HotPastramiSandwichDay
- International Kite Day #KiteDay
January 15th
- Hat Day #HatDay
- Pothole Day #PotholeDay
- Strawberry Ice Cream Day #StrawberryIceCreamDay
- National Bagel Day – #nationalbagelday
January 16th
- Nothing Day #NothingDay
- Appreciate a Dragon Day #AppreciateADragonDay
- International Hot & Spicy Food Day #HotAndSpicyFoodDay
- Religious Freedom Day #ReligiousFreedomDay
- Blue Monday – #bluemonday
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day – #mlkday
January 17th
- Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day #DitchNewYearsResolutionsDay
- Cable Car Day #CableCarDay
- Women’s Healthy Weight Day #WomensHealthyWeightDay
- Kid Inventors Day #KidInventorsDay
January 18th
- Thesaurus Day #ThesaurusDay
- Museum Selfie Day #MuseumSelfieDay
- Winnie the Pooh Day #WinnieThePoohDay
- World Religion Day #ReligionDay
January 19th
- Popcorn Day #PopcornDay
- Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday
- Tin Can Day #TinCanDay
January 20th
- Disc Jockey Day #DiscJockeyDay #DJDay
- Camcorder Day #CamcorderDay
- International Day of Acceptance #DayOfAcceptance
- Penguin Awareness Day #PenguinAwarenessDay
- Cheese Lovers Day #CheeseLoversDay
January 21st
- Hugging Day #HuggingDay
- Squirrel Appreciation Day #SquirrelAppreciationDay
- Granola Bar Day #GranolaBarDay
- Sweatpants Day #SweatpantsDay
- Playdate Day #PlaydateDay
- Martin Luther King Day #MartinLutherKingDay
- National Popcorn Day – #nationalpopcornday
January 22nd
- Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day #AnswerYourCatsQuestionsDay
- Blonde Brownie Day #BlondeBrownieDay
- Celebration of Life Day #CelebrationOfLifeDay
- Hot Sauce Day #HotSauceDay
- Lunar New Year – #lunarnewyear
January 23rd
- Pie Day #PieDay
- Handwriting Day #HandwritingDay
- Measure Your Feet Day #MeasureYourFeetDay
- National Handwriting Day – #nationalhandwritingday
January 24th
- Beer Can Appreciation Day #BeerCanAppreciationDay
- Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day #TalkLikeAGrizzledProspectorDay
- Belly Laugh Day #BellyLaughDay
- Peanut Butter Day #PeanutButterDay
- National Compliment Day – #nationalcomplimentday
January 25th
- Opposite Day #OppositeDay
- Fun at Work Day #FunAtWorkDay
- Irish Coffee Day #IrishCoffeeDay
January 26th
- Spouse’s Day #SpousesDay
- Peanut Brittle Day #PeanutBrittleDay
- Seed Swap Day #SeedSwapDay
- Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day #VisitYourLocalQuiltShopDay
- Australia Day #AustraliaDay
- National Green Juice Day – #nationalgreenjuiceday
January 27th
- Chocolate Cake Day #ChocolateCakeDay
- Breast Pumping Day #BreastPumpingDay
- National Geographic Day #NationalGeographicDay
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day – #holocaustremembranceday
January 28th
- Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day #BubbleWrapAppreciationDay
- Data Privacy Day #DataPrivacyDay
- Blueberry Pancake Day #BlueberryPancakeDay
- Kazoo Day #KazooDay
- Blue Monday #BlueMonday
- Global Community Engagement Day #GlobalCommunityEngagementDay
- International Lego Day – #legoday
January 29th
- Puzzle Day #PuzzleDay
- Freethinkers Day #FreethinkersDay
- Corn Chip Day #CornChipDay
- Curmudgeons Day #CurmudgeonsDay
January 30th
- Croissant Day #CroissantDay
January 31st
- Backward Day #BackwardDay
- Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay
- Gorilla Suit Day #GorillaSuitDay
- National Hot Chocolate Day – #nationalhotchocolateday