Is it the right time to invest in your business?
And if not now, then when?
If the image below does not scare you more than anything, I don’t know what will.
I wrote about it in my book The Online Business Blueprint.
The chart on the photo shows the unemployment rate in the US for the past 50 years.
1973 Oil crisis
1979 Energy crisis
1980 Recession
2008 Big recession
2020 Covid crisis
You can see them there.

But what we have now is unprecedented. Things have never been as scary as they are now. Yet, people tend to look the other way.
Most people would rather live in denial and hope things will get better.
Will they?
Over 400 million people across the world lost their jobs in the past year.
The central banks keep printing money and pump them into the economy to keep things from falling apart.
But who’s going to pay for it?
There will come a day when Covid sends the invoice with regards, and our children and their children will have to foot the bill.
So what can you do?
What can you do now to prepare for what’s coming?
More importantly, how to protect your family so that no matter how bad the situation, you still come out mostly unharmed?
Invest in yourself. And invest in your business. If you don’t have a business yet, then start one. Fast.
If there was ever a time to invest in learning new skills, it is now.
If there was ever a time to investing in growing your business, it is now.
More people became millionaires during the Great Depression than in any other time in history.
Opportunities that were not present during the economic boom times become available.
An economic downturn is an excellent time to start a business.
If nothing else, then start-up costs are much lower in a recession than in boom periods.
What does it mean for you?
It means now is the time to INVEST in YOURSELF.
It’s time to learn new skills.
And learn how to market and sell your skills.
It’s time to GROW!
The reason I’m telling you all this is because I care.
I’m helping people grow their fantastic businesses on five continents now. My clients have been able to raise their prices, get the clients they want, and live a more rewarding life. All because they took the brave step into the unknown and invested in themselves.
So please, do yourself a favour and invest in yourself. I don’t care what you learn; just start by learning something new. Invest in your skillset and mindset.
And then learn how to market and sell your skills.
You do that, and you’ll be better off than 90% of the population.
Will you go for it?