Read this if you’re running Facebook ads…

Every month I have at least one phone call with Facebook’s own experts on Advertising.

I get to call with them often because I manage over 50 ad accounts so I get a slight VIP treatment.

Anyway, I want to let you in on the secret changes Meta implemented into Facebook’s algorithm last month…

…so you can advertise smarter than your competition.

Here are my biggest takeaways:

1. Broad targeting works better than narrow niches

Instead of trying to narrow down to very specific niches, go for broad targeting.

Simply select interest that’s still relevant to your niche, but wide enough to have a lot of people in it.

For example if I’m running ads for Self-defense school, instead of selecting people who are interested in “Krav Maga” (9 million people), I’d choose “Physical fitness” interest instead (800 million people).

Broad targeting now works better because it does not limit the AI in finding your perfect client.

2. Create wide lookalike audiences

Lookalike audiences are winners when you already have at least 1000 customers from one country on your list.  
All you need to do is to tell Facebook you want to find more people like the ones who already bought from you and the AI will actively go and try to find them for you. 

For years, the best setting for Lookalike Audiences have been between 1-3% match.  
Now it tends to work better if you give Facebook a free hand and let the robots do their job.  

So set LAL audience to 8-10% (more people = more chances AI finds the right ones). 

3. Use more creatives

Use at least 4-5 different ads for every campaign.

Sometimes your audience targeting is OK, but your ad may not resonate with people.

So try different images or videos. Alternate long-form and short form text options. And give the AI multiple choices for your headlines.

If you do the above and give the AI enough time to learn, your ads will perform better

You can use the Social Media Frameworks which are part of the newly updated Social Media Masterplan (get the latest version here…)

… and if you also have access to my Facebook Marketing Mastery course, there is a section where I explain the Perfect Ad Formula in detail. 



PS.  The new Social Media Masterplan now also covers TikTok, Stories & YouTube.   You can get your copy here: