With summer in full force it’s sometimes difficult to focus on growing and promoting your business on social media.
This list of August hashtags for Social Media will help you come up with your content.
Go through this list of upcoming hashtags & holidays for the month of August, pick the ones that fit your brand, mix in some creativity, and prepare some posts for your social content.
You can also get Social Media content and images delivered to your inbox each week.
August monthly hashtags
- Happiness Happens Month #HappinessHappensMonth
- Water Quality Month #WaterQualityMonth
- Peach Month #PeachMonth
- Romance Awareness Month #RomanceAwarenessMonth
- Catfish Month #CatfishMonth
- Anti-Frizz Month #AntiFrizzMonth
Weekly hashtags in August
Weekly (August) Hashtags
- August 8-14 is the Afternoon Tea Week #AfternoonTeaWeek
Daily August hashtags
August 1st
- Girl Friends Day #GirlFriendsDay
- Respect for Parents Day #RespectForParentsDay
- World Scout Scarf Day #ScoutScarfDay
- Yorkshire Day #YorkshireDay
- Raspberry Cream Pie Day #RaspberryCreamPieDay
- World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay #WWWDay
- Rounds Resounding Day #RoundsResoundingDay
- World Lung Cancer Day #LungCancerDay
- Planner Day #PlannerDay
August 2nd
- Ice Cream Sandwich Day #IceCreamSandwichDay
- Coloring Book Day #ColoringBookDay
August 3rd
- Watermelon Day #WatermelonDay
- Clean Your Floors Day #CleanYourFloorsDay
August 4th
- Coast Guard Day #CoastGuardDay
- Sisters Day #SistersDay (Sweeden)
- Single Working Women’s Day #SingleWorkingWomensDay
- India Pale Ale Day #IndiaPaleAleDay #IndiaDay
- White Wine Day #WhiteWineDay
- Cycle to Work Day #CycleToWorkDay
August 5th
- Work Like a Dog Day #WorkLikeADogDay
- Underwear Day #UnderwearDay
- Oyster Day #OysterDay
- International Beer Day #BeerDay
August 6th
- Fresh Breath Day #FreshBreathDay
- Mead Day #MeadDay
- Doll Day #DollDay
- Assistance Dog Day #AssistanceDogDay
- Wiggle Your Toes Day #WiggleYourToesDay
- Root Beer Float Day #RootBeerFloatDay
- International Sailor Moon Day #SailorMoonDay
- Farm Worker Appreciation Day #FarmWorkerAppreciationDay #FarmerAppreciationDay
- Balloons for Heaven Day #BalloonsForHeavenDay
- Mustard Day #MustardDay
- Sandcastle Day #SandcastleDay
- Disc Golf Day #DiscGolfDay #FrolfDay
August 7th
- Lighthouse Day #LighthouseDay
- Psychic Day #PsychicDay
- Sisters Day #SistersDay (Canada)
- Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day #ParticularlyPreposterousPackagingDay
- Professional Speakers Day #ProfessionalSpeakersDay
- Aged Care Professionals Day #AgedCareProfessionalsDay
August 8th
- International Cat Day #CatDay
- Happiness Happens Day #HappinessHappensDay
- National Bowling Day #BowlingDay
- Odie Day #OdieDay
- Scottish Wildcat Day #ScottishWildcatDay
August 9th
- Book Lovers Day #BookLoversDay
- Rice Pudding Day #RicePuddingDay
- Melon Day #MelonDay
August 10th
- Lazy Day #LazyDay
- Duran Duran Appreciation Day #DuranDuranAppreciationDay #DuranDuran
- World Lion Day #LionDay
- Skyscraper Appreciation Day #SkyscraperAppreciationDay
- S’mores Day #SmoresDay
- Vlogging Day #VloggingDay
- World Calligraphy Day #CalligraphyDay
August 11th
- Son and Daughter Day #SonAndDaughterDay
- Play in the Sand Day #PlayInTheSandDay
August 12th
- Vinyl Record Day #VinylRecordDay
- Middle Child’s Day #MiddleChildsDay
- World Elephant Day #ElephantDay
August 13th
- International Left Handers Day #LeftHandersDay
- Filet Mignon Day #FiletMignonDay
- Garage Sale Day #GarageSaleDay
August 14th
- Creamsicle Day #CreamsicleDay
- Tattoo Removal Day #TattooRemovalDay
August 15th
- Relaxation Day #RelaxationDay
- Lemon Meringue Pie Day #LemonMeringuePieDay
August 16th
- Tell a Joke Day #TellAJokeDay
- Airborne Day #AirborneDay
- Bratwurst Day #BratwurstDay
- Rum Day #RumDay
August 17th
- Thrift Shop Day #ThriftShopDay
- Black Cat Appreciation Day #BlackCatAppreciationDay
- Vanilla Custard Day #VanillaCustardDay
August 18th
- Bad Poetry Day #BadPoetryDay
- Mail Order Catalog Day #MailOrderCatalogDay
- Serendipity Day #SerendipityDay
- Pinot Noir Day #PinotNoirDay
August 19th
- World Photography Day #PhotographyDay
- Men’s Grooming Day #MensGroomingDay
- Aviation Day #AviationDay
- Potato Day #PotatoDay
- World Orangutan Day #OrangutanDay
- International Bow Day #BowDay
August 20th
- International Geocaching Day #GeocachingDay
- Break the Monotony Day #BreakTheMonotonyDay
- World Honey Bee Day #HoneyBeeDay
- International Homeless Animals Day #HomelessAnimalsDay #IHAD
- World Mosquito Day #MosquitoDay
- Chocolate Pecan Pie Day #ChocolatePecanPieDay
- International Day of Medical Transporters #DayOfMedicalTransporters
August 21st
- Poet’s Day #PoetsDay
- Senior Citizens Day #SeniorCitizensDay
August 22nd
- Be an Angel Day #BeAnAngelDay
- Take Your Cat to the Vet Day #TakeYourCatToTheVetDay
- Pecan Torte Day #PecanTorteDay
- Eat a Peach Day #EatAPeachDay
August 23rd
- Ride the Wind Day #RideTheWindDay
- Cuban Sandwich Day #CubanSandwichDay
- Sponge Cake Day #SpongeCakeDay
August 24th
- Knife Day #KnifeDay
- Vesuvius Day #VesuviusDay #MountVesuviusDay
- International Strange Music Day #StrangeMusicDay
- Pluto Demoted Day #PlutoDemotedDay
- Internaut Day #InternautDay
- Peach Pie Day #PeachPieDay
August 25th
- Burger Day #BurgerDay
- Kiss and Make Up Day #KissAndMakeUpDay
- Whiskey Sour Day #WhiskeySourDay
- Banana Split Day #BananaSplitDay
August 26th
- Daffodil Day #DaffodilDay
- Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
- National Dog Day #DogDay
- WebMistress Day #WebMistressDay
- Cherry Popsicle Day #CherryPopsicleDay
August 27th
- National Tug-of-War Day #TugOfWarDay
- International Bat Night #BatNight
- Banana Lovers Day #BananaLoversDay
August 28th
- Bow Tie Day #BowTieDay
- Radio Commercials Day #RadioCommercialsDay
- Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day #RainbowBridgeRemembranceDay
- Cherry Turnover Day #CherryTurnoverDay
August 29th
- More Herbs, Less Salt Day #MoreHerbsLessSaltDay
- Individual Rights Day #IndividualRightsDay
August 30th
- Slinky Day #SlinkyDay
- Toasted Marshmallow Day #ToastedMarshmallowDay
- Frankenstein Day #FrankensteinDay
- International Whale Shark Day #WhaleSharkDay
- Holistic Pet Day #HolisticPetDay
- National Grief Awareness Day #GriefAwarenessDay
August 31st
- Trail Mix Day #TrailMixDay
- Love Litigating Lawyers Day #LoveLitigatingLawyersDay
- We Love Memoirs Day #WeLoveMemoirsDay
- Overdose Awareness Day #OverdoseAwarenessDay